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a. If an ANARE Club member is unable to attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on the 11th July 2011 and vote on an issue personally, that member can appoint another ANARE Club member to cast a vote on their behalf (that is ‘vote by proxy’) at the AGM.
b. Each full, financial member has the right to appoint a proxy.
c. Only a full and financial member can act as a proxy.
d. The secretary of the ANARE Club must receive the proxy forms at least 24 hours before the commencement of the AGM.
e. Proxy forms may be delivered by mail, email or hand delivered. Verbal proxies are not acceptable. For postal submissions it should be addressed as follows: The Secretary, PO Box 2534, Melbourne, 3001. Victoria.
f. Hard copy submissions of the proxy form must be signed by the member who is appointing another person to vote on their behalf.
g. Email copy submissions of the proxy form do not need to be signed by the member who is appointing another person to vote on their behalf, but must be sent from a verifiable email address.
h. There are 2 types of proxy votes:
1. a general proxy, which gives a member the right to appoint another member the right to vote on all aspects of ANARE Club business at the AGM as they see fit.
2. a specific proxy, which allows a member to appoint another member the right to vote on a particular item in a particular way at the AGM.
i. A proxy vote ‘donor’ may cancel or revoke a proxy before it is exercised by giving both the proxy holder and the Secretary of the ANARE Club written notice of the revocation, which becomes effective as soon as this notice is received.
Contact details for Bob Watson Secretary ANARE Club:
Email address for the Secretary
Mail: ANARE Club, PO Box 2534, Melbourne 3001.
Phone: 03 9729 7902
Proxy Form
I, ...........................................................(insert name), of........ .............................................................
(insert address), being a current financial full member of the ANARE Club and entitled to attend and vote, hereby appoint .......................................................(insert name) as my general / specific (delete as appropriate) proxy at the Annual General Meeting of the ANARE Club to be held at 7.30pm on Monday 11th July 2011 at the Bayview Eden Hotel, 1 Queens Rd, Melbourne, 3011.
............................................................................... (Signature of ANARE Club Member).
The signature must be completed for all proxy forms sent by mail. Proxy forms that have been emailed do not require a signature, but must come from a verifiable email address.
Downloadable Proxy vote form can be accessed here
General AGM information can be accessed here
Candidates for the 2011/12 National Council can be accessed here
Further information for members intending to nominate for council can be accessed here
a. If an ANARE Club member is unable to attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on the 11th July 2011 and vote on an issue personally, that member can appoint another ANARE Club member to cast a vote on their behalf (that is ‘vote by proxy’) at the AGM.
b. Each full, financial member has the right to appoint a proxy.
c. Only a full and financial member can act as a proxy.
d. The secretary of the ANARE Club must receive the proxy forms at least 24 hours before the commencement of the AGM.
e. Proxy forms may be delivered by mail, email or hand delivered. Verbal proxies are not acceptable. For postal submissions it should be addressed as follows: The Secretary, PO Box 2534, Melbourne, 3001. Victoria.
f. Hard copy submissions of the proxy form must be signed by the member who is appointing another person to vote on their behalf.
g. Email copy submissions of the proxy form do not need to be signed by the member who is appointing another person to vote on their behalf, but must be sent from a verifiable email address.
h. There are 2 types of proxy votes:
1. a general proxy, which gives a member the right to appoint another member the right to vote on all aspects of ANARE Club business at the AGM as they see fit.
2. a specific proxy, which allows a member to appoint another member the right to vote on a particular item in a particular way at the AGM.
i. A proxy vote ‘donor’ may cancel or revoke a proxy before it is exercised by giving both the proxy holder and the Secretary of the ANARE Club written notice of the revocation, which becomes effective as soon as this notice is received.
Contact details for Bob Watson Secretary ANARE Club:
Email address for the Secretary
Mail: ANARE Club, PO Box 2534, Melbourne 3001.
Phone: 03 9729 7902
Proxy Form
I, ...........................................................(insert name), of........ .............................................................
(insert address), being a current financial full member of the ANARE Club and entitled to attend and vote, hereby appoint .......................................................(insert name) as my general / specific (delete as appropriate) proxy at the Annual General Meeting of the ANARE Club to be held at 7.30pm on Monday 11th July 2011 at the Bayview Eden Hotel, 1 Queens Rd, Melbourne, 3011.
............................................................................... (Signature of ANARE Club Member).
The signature must be completed for all proxy forms sent by mail. Proxy forms that have been emailed do not require a signature, but must come from a verifiable email address.
Downloadable Proxy vote form can be accessed here
General AGM information can be accessed here
Candidates for the 2011/12 National Council can be accessed here
Further information for members intending to nominate for council can be accessed here